Baptism preparation
God’s love and salvation are offered to us as a gift which we cannot earn. Baptism is God’s gift of new life – the Risen Life of our Lord Jesus Christ!
All 7 Sacraments have great power and potential to transform us, it begins with infant Baptism, the most ancient tradition of the Church. The initial joy, gratitude, and commitment are offered by the parents, godparents, and the entire Christian community. The child’s personal response will come later.
When you welcomed and brought your child into your life, you chose to clothe, nourish, house, protect and educate this child.
As you approach the Church to have your child baptized, you are saying that your Faith is also important to you.
For further inquiries please fill out the information below and we will get back to you at our earliest convenience.
Baptism preparation
Note: March baptismal classes have been cancelled.

As your child is marked by His Sign of the Cross and washed in the waters of Baptism, parents and godparents show the world this child belongs to God and promise to raise the child in Christ’s Light and Life! Congratulations!
Baptism Information
Enjoy God’s Gift of your child!
For the interview, please bring:
1. Proof that at least 1 parent is Catholic (e.g.: Baptism, Confirmation certificates)
2. A church Marriage certificate indicating where you were married.
3. If you are not registered parishioners here, a letter from a priest in your parish permitting the baptism to take place here.
4. Proof that at least one of your Godparents is a Catholic, has been Confirmed & married in the Catholic church (if married). There could be only 2 Godparents (male & female)
Baptism Sessions There are two (2) baptismal classes (part 1 & 2) for parents & godparents wishing to have their child baptized
The Deacon will assign your actual class dates. These take place on the 3rd and 4th Thursday nights of each month.
A suggested offering of $50.00 is to be made at one of the sessions or at the Parish office prior to the baptism of your child.
1. Proof that at least 1 parent is Catholic (e.g.: Baptism, Confirmation certificates)
Baptisms take place the 3rd Sundays of each month at 3:00 pm in English. Certificates are mailed upon completion.
When you welcomed & brought your child into your life, you chose to clothe, nourish, house, protect and educate this child.
As you approach the Church to have your child baptized, you are saying that your Faith is also important to you.
You wish to have your child become a member of a much larger family called the Church.
Are you now ready to share your Faith and the values that flow from that Faith with your child? It is a great responsibility that you undertake. However, it is also one that opens the door to countless Blessings for you and your child.

Our Pastor Br. Flavian Gondos
You are allowing a True Friend to touch the life of your child. That friend is Jesus who calls the little children to come close to Him so that he may bless them and take them under His wings.
By phone: 416-241-3101

Contact us now to arrange your meeting with the Deacon:
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